Tuesday, May 29, 2018

(ROSEANNE TV SHOW) with Sebastian Finkle

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
Image result for ratatouille film critic

My name is Sebastian Finkle and for some unknown reason, the writers of this putrid blog have asked me to appear for a review. Of what, I have no idea.

Image result for ratatouille film critic

Perhaps, it's a recognition of my greatest work in foreign cinema critique? Perhaps, it's to congratulate me in my many acclaims as a bon-vivant? What could it be?

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"Excuse us, Mr Finkle. Could you do a blog on the ROSEANNE SHOW being canceled over racist allegations on Twitter?"
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"The audience just found out she's had her shows pulled off-the-air on Paramount Network, TV Land, and CMT."
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Television?...Might I remind you that I, Sebastian Finkle, critique FILM not television?
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However, I do agree with the fact that it took only ONE DAY for a rich celebrity to remember she's too Jewish to be crazy and not White enough to be racist and get away with it. Thank you...

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(THE END/NEW START) Inside the Finkle Writer's Room

Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air* I think it's all going to work out for those two. They've been in there for 3 months. &...