Thursday, August 2, 2018


*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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Hot damn! We got movie theater in the West Wing and they're bringing the movie over to us. Get the popcorn boys. We got ourselves something to do for the next two hours.

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Well, it's about time. 
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C'mon with me. We got the best seats in town waitin' fer' us around the corner.

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Congratulations gentlemen. You get to witness my masterpiece in screenwriting.

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I added some very special jokes just for Dwayne THE ROCK Johnson. 

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You know, this ain't a bad movie about a robot who gets his daughter kidnapped by terrorist. I didn't even know robots could have children. But, they make me believe it the whole time.

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Indeed...But, why did Dwayne THE ROCK Johnson start saying the nuclear codes before he killed that Russian guy? What kind of movie is this again?

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