Monday, June 4, 2018


*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
Image result for mary tyler moore tv show ted

Hey everybody, I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Gregory from accounting and I've been sent here to spice up your Real Housewives show. No one should get nervous about their jobs or anything like that. This isn't a REPLACEMENT ALERT.

Image result for mary tyler moore tv show ted

"Hi 'ya doin' buddy? You're a breath of fresh air. When I came on the show they only called me TOKEN MALE number 2. I had to fight to be called Ted."

Image result for mary tyler moore tv show gordy

Hey Ted, if you don't mind me asking...why do they call this show Real Housewives if all the ones you see is us guys around?

Image result for mary tyler moore tv show ted

Oh...I get it now. 

Image result for mary tyler moore tv show gordy

Well, maybe you should call this a Replacement text message. These women have to go!

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