What's up doc?
Neah, some squirts has been askin' about a Conspiracy Theory about a boat. Well, let me tell 'ya about a boat called the TITANIC. But, I'm really gonna talk to 'ya about is a real Conspiracy Theory called WHO KILLED BUGS BUNNY?
Now, I know there's a movie with another title 'dat sounds tha' same, but, I think this fits, see?
Let's say a really rich guy named J.P. Morgan had a movie studio called Warner Brothers, see:
"Dis vermit ain't makin' no more money for tha' company. We gotta let 'em go!"
What do you want us to do? He's a mascot and everything.
"We got the name Warner Bothers. We focus on 'da music and 'da movies and 'da tv specials. We just kill off this knuckle head!"
We could do that. But, how?
"Put somebody in charge of Warner Brothers to run this cartoon gibberish into a iceberg!"
A lot of people are going to loose their jobs, J.P.
"I don't care! I'm goin' broke of these dumb cartoons."
Ok, we'll just switch the company logos to another one. They're both very similar.
"Good. Sink this ship!"

And the rest is history. People think the Titanic sunk in the middle of the ocean and J.P. Morgan collected the insurance money from the loss of a ship liner. But, the ship that sunk was called The Olympic.
Say, is this a good time to ask about why all your comic book movies suck?
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