Hi, Bagels!
How would you like me to tell you a Conspiracy Theory?
Well, it all started last night after supper, and these guys walked in the house and said:
"Excuse me, are you Mickey J. Mouse?"
Yeah, who's askin'?
"Never mind that. Did you come in contact with a rabbit that goes by the name of Bugs Bunny recently?"
I sure did. He's a good fella'. I got pictures of him right here...let me find it.
"Are you aware this Bugs Bunny is hiding a space alien?"
A what?
"A space alien. This is a very dangerous space alien, Mr. Mouse."
Gosh, how dangerous?
"This space alien has tried at least 62 times to destroy the Earth in different and bizarre ways.
One time with a death ray, one time with ray gun, another time he sent an orange haired monster wearing tennis shoes."
Gosh....is wasn't Donald Trump was it?
"Was that a joke, Mr. Mouse?
If you see this Bugs Bunny again, Mr. Mouse, please contact us immediately."
You bet I will.

Oh dear, the jig is up. Abort mission. Abort! Abort!
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