Sunday, January 7, 2018

"Conspiracy Theory" with Mickey Mouse (NEW WORLD ORDER)

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*

Hi kids!
Today we're going to talk about a Conspiracy Theory going around the internet called the

Image result for marvel disney

Some of you might have heard about it and are a little afraid of what it might be.
Well, your Uncle Mickey is here to tell you it's not a big deal.
Here, let me show you a dollar bill.

Image result for marvel disney

Now, you see those words in Latin "Novus Ordo Seclorum"?

Image result for marvel disney

Well that's New World Order in Latin. And it has been written on the dollar bill since 1776.
That was before you were born, or your parents, or even your parent's parents.

Image result for marvel disney

Yeah, it's not a big deal.

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You like being American, don't 'ya?

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You can't do anything about it, can you?

It's what you are and what everybody wants to be.

Now, I know it was made up by a bunch of Stone Masons...sure.
But, if you're against some Stone Masons, then you're also against Washington D.C., because the entire city was designed by a Stone Mason.

George Washington was a Mason. You like him don't 'ya?

Image result for marvel disney shut up about your fear of the unknown and get back to work!
These souvenirs won't sell themselves.

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