You've done the world a lot of good Super-Man, but I have to stop your Conspiracy Theory about Socialized medicine will cause people to die!
Most of the entire world have a form of nationalized health care that allows everyone, no matter rich or poor to receive the same level of professional care as a group.

Stop this Goku! Don't you see, if America destroys itself from within, the world doesn't have to suffer from their endless wars. And have them pretend to be Earth's supercop.
NO...Those are still living creatures that need our help. I may not be from this planet. And Super-Man may not be from this planet. But, we were sent here to protect these people from harm. Even if it's from themselves.
I know you mean well, Goku. But, the American way must never be stopped or else we might become like...
Yeah, c'mon and say it. Like who?
Everyone else?
You know what, Goku?
I'm going to let you return back to your weird world with talking turtles and killer robots. I'm going back to Metropolis where everything is normal.
Yeah, say hello to the 3 Black guys and one Asian you've got in Metropolis, you sellout.
Metropolis only loves you because you look like them, you know!
And I won't let you harm those innocent people for insurance company profits!
I must stop you!

What part of the name Super-Man don't you understand, Goku?
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