Friday, December 21, 2018

TALKING WITH ISIS by The Finkle Writer's Room

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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"Hello, this is ISIS. Whom is calling, please?"

Image result for dr strangelove

Good evening, madam. This is General Panic with the United States Department of Propaganda and I was wondering if you could do us a favor, yes?

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"Did you want me to pretend to chop off another head in the middle of the desert again?"

Related image were wonderful, by the way. But, we need to cause another distraction to keep the public busy. Can you do a little something, yes?

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"Jamal, America wants another distraction. What do you got?"
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Ahhhh. It says here, we'll need for somebody to shutdown the government first.

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"Ok, we can't do nothing until you shutdown the government. Can you do that, General?"

Image result for dr strangelove

I think we can arrange that. Thank you ISIS....Love you, bye now!

1 comment:

  1. Phong cách nội thất cổ điển châu Âu lại thường sử dụng Sàn gỗ châu âu chịu nước đậm và tối màu như đen, nâu đen đối lập với màu tường hay đồ nội thất màu trắng mang đến cảm giác sang trọng và quý phái.Có nên dùng sàn gỗ cho không gian phong cách cổ điển.


(THE END/NEW START) Inside the Finkle Writer's Room

Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air* I think it's all going to work out for those two. They've been in there for 3 months. &...