Sunday, November 18, 2018

(CRIMES OF GRINDELWALD) with Sebastian Finkle

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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You say the chef wants me to order FOOD if I want to do my movie review? That's rather inappropriate, don't you think?
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Let's make a wager. I will sit here and write my review of CRIMES OF GRINDELWALD and you, in turn, will leave me alone while I write it.
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I must begin with the dead weight characters that adds nothing to the story...all of them.

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No more of a dead weight was Eddie Redmayne as Knute. This movie seems to be about him and how he reacts to CGI for a hour and a half.
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The real movie was buried in the last 30 minute with Johnny Depp, as he gives a speech that explains why you paid $9 dollars for a ticket to watch this film in the first place. It was about the villain.
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Depp starts the movie as a villain.

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Depp finishes the movie as a villain.
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And I pity any audience that doesn't simply accept Johnny Depp as a villain from now on...ask Amber Heard.

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In closing, the challenge is not staying awake until the ending. The challenge is how to avoid paying the check for a magical sandwich that you didn't want to eat.

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