Tuesday, November 27, 2018

(WIDOWS) with Sebastian Finkle

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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...As for the art of story-writing, my only question to the writers is this: WHY?

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Why does Jamal want his money back from the wife, when all evidence points to the money was destroyed in the fire?

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Why does she recruit two other wives in a public sauna to steal from an alderman?

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Why does the alderman want to hide the fact that her husband...Oops, spoilers.

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Why is prostitution the only job in Chicago for Polish people?

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How does an alderman in Chicago own a yacht? Does the IRS not exist in this movie universe?

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Until I get an answer, this movie was a 2 Act play. The third Act was left on the cutting room floor...by the way, we never learned what an alderman does for a living. I guess it's covertly running crime syndicates.

(RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET) with Sebastian Finkle

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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THAT, my good sir, is not a movie about friendship! Have you no friends in life? Have you never been in love? This movie blatantly LIED to your stupid face and you didn't say a thing, did you?
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This girl (Penelope) was clearly a Lesbian and she was in a LOVELESS relationship with Ralph the entire time. By the fact, that Ralph is a simpleton and a buffoon doesn't erase the obvious!

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Ralph was too dumb to know he was in LOVE. He only called it friendship, because Penelope called it friendship.
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A new woman enters the picture, and that was the open door to a new world.
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And this new world comes with choices. OLD vs NEW. BOY vs GIRL. FRIEND vs LOVE.
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It was THE EMOJI MOVIE with subtext...and I love subtext.

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"Hey! Stop bothering our customers and order some food!"

Sunday, November 18, 2018

(CRIMES OF GRINDELWALD) with Sebastian Finkle

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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You say the chef wants me to order FOOD if I want to do my movie review? That's rather inappropriate, don't you think?
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Let's make a wager. I will sit here and write my review of CRIMES OF GRINDELWALD and you, in turn, will leave me alone while I write it.
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I must begin with the dead weight characters that adds nothing to the story...all of them.

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No more of a dead weight was Eddie Redmayne as Knute. This movie seems to be about him and how he reacts to CGI for a hour and a half.
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The real movie was buried in the last 30 minute with Johnny Depp, as he gives a speech that explains why you paid $9 dollars for a ticket to watch this film in the first place. It was about the villain.
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Depp starts the movie as a villain.

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Depp finishes the movie as a villain.
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And I pity any audience that doesn't simply accept Johnny Depp as a villain from now on...ask Amber Heard.

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In closing, the challenge is not staying awake until the ending. The challenge is how to avoid paying the check for a magical sandwich that you didn't want to eat.

Friday, November 16, 2018

MARIE CLAVEL by Alex Jonas

“Marie has such a fascinating face and the most beautiful hair! I wanted to shoot with her already long time ago and finally it happend.” Paris based photographer Alex Jonas teamed up with gorgeous Marie Clavel. “I wanted to shoot with her at sunset to get this golden effect. We drove to a farm just outside of Paris called Ferme Du Prieuré and waited for the magic to happen.” Styling done by Marie Revelut and make up by Virginie Lacoste.

Photographer : Alex Jonas – @iamalexjonas
Model : Marie Clavel – @marieclavell
Style : Marie Revelut @ marierevelut
Make up: Virginie Lacoste @ virginiemakeuppro
Location : fermeduprieure_rennemoulin

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

IN THE KITCHEN with Sebastian Finkle

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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Why do you keep letting that man into our restaurant if he never orders anything?
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Well, I don't know. He says he's writing for a Comedy blog or something.
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Well, he might mention the name of the restaurant while he's writing his review and we'll get famous, you know?
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If this man FOUND our restaurant and then walked INTO our restaurant we are ALREADY famous enough. Now go back in there and make him order FOOD!

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Hmm, where is my waiter with my fresh napkin? The service around here is atrocious.

Monday, November 12, 2018

by Mdraft Studio

“My new series “debut” explores the naturalness of the female body. We wanted to show the beauty of human forms melding with the environment.” explains Madrid based photographer studio Mdraft studio. “The most important thing for us was to show mdoel Izaro comfortable and free in the pictures to communicate nudity in a completely natural way and without prejudice.” Creative direction by Aitor Laspiur and Ane Gorosabel.
Editorial by Mdraft studio
Creative direction:
Aitor Laspiur @aitorlaspiur
Ane Gorosabel @anegorosabel
Model: Izaro @izarofernandez

(OVERLORD) with Sebastian Finkle

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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"Do you like zombie movies, sir? Did you see the new OVERLORD movie."
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Did I see it? I am still trying to forget it....Don't try to learn history from this so-called film.
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"Oh, I didn't want to learn history or nothin'. I just want to see some Nazis and some zombies."
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Tell me, my dear boy: How old are you?
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"I'm 23."
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Then, at the age of 23, you have acquired the cinematic taste of a 9 year old. Go back to your kitchen and leave me alone so I can write about this rubbish for my Finkle readers.

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For those who want their intelligence insulted, we start with a soldiers story in a desegregated Army in World War 2 and he lands in France to find the T-Virus from RESIDENT EVIL.

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He finds a French woman that may or may not have been in RESIDENT EVIL.

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And they find themselves running away in a RESIDENT EVIL haunted house.
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Before you realize you're watching a zombie movie, they remind you that you're also watching a movie about Nazis. By the way, the main villain becomes a zombie just like the villain does in RESIDENT EVIL.
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OVERLORD was lazy. But, RESIDENT EVIL part 7 was very good. It that what you wanted to know, dear boy?
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(THE END/NEW START) Inside the Finkle Writer's Room

Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air* I think it's all going to work out for those two. They've been in there for 3 months. &...