Monday, July 30, 2018


*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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"Hello, Moviepass?...Hello? I want to buy a ticket to see GEARS UP."

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Hang up the phone. There's no one there.

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"It has to be, dumbass. We just paid $10 to watch that Dwayne THE ROCK Johnson movie of yours."

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They ran out of money. Call AMC. They have the same Moviepass if you get an A-List card.

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"Should we try something new? GEARS UP is going to be the best movie out this year."

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Wait a minute, wait a minute, I think I heard somebody breathing on the other end. SAY SOMETHING, YOU SON-OF-A-BITCH!

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They can't pay their bills, I'm telling you. There's nobody there. If anybody's going to see GEARS UP, they're just going to have to pay full price.
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