Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Inside the FINKLE Writer's Room (THE TRADE WAR)

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
Image result for hanna barbera yogi bear

Image result for hanna barbera yogi bear

Trade war Bears? How did I mixed up in all of this?

Image result for hanna barbera yogi bear

Why don't you make up a Conspiracy about how a Trade War would ruin how people won't come to the camp and bring those picnic baskets anymore? We haven't done a blog by ourselves in awhile, you know?

Image result for hanna barbera yogi bear

I think your show needs more female representation. It's starting to look like some bad writer has a problem with writing for women.
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Ok...Let me break in and answer your questions now. 
Yes, I'm not that good of a writer and YES, I'm having an argument with my wife. So this whole week, she's going to be doing her own series. 
Thanks for being a member of the Finkle Writer's Room readership...we appreciate it very much.

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