Monday, April 9, 2018

"Finkle Films" (A QUIET PLACE)

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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Shhh, be very quiet. Tonight we're going to review the movie A QUIET PLACE.
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It's about a family who lives in the country who must stay alive. And the only way to do it is to not make a sound...NO SOUND at all.
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Any sound they make will summon the creature to come out and kill them. So, they walk on sand that they put on the ground to silence their footsteps.

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Now, the thing to remember is to NOT ask any questions to yourself. You know, like when you watched CLOVERFIELD. And this movie is a lot like Cloverfield, but in the countryside.

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Just remember to not question the waterfall, you see.

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The movie tells you the waterfall is noisey, but the Cloverfield monster can't hear you talk if you're next to it...

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But, if the creature can hear everything, that means it always hears the roar of the waterfall loader then it hears anything else. That means...this very movie, no matter how good it was to watch...doesn't make sense.

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Shhh...don't tell anybody. But, this movie didn't STINK.

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