Tuesday, February 6, 2018

MARISA PAPEN by Jorg Billwitz

Image result for marisa papen insta
A finca [ˈfiŋka] (Spanish for an “estate”) is usually a farmhouse surrounded by the natural beauty of the country side. Marisa Papen enjoys a few days off in a truly beautiful finca in Port de Sant Miquel in the North of Ibiza which  features an original stone wall and old ceiling beams. Photographed by Jörg Billwitz.

Model – Marisa Papen
Instagram – @marisapapen.for.real
Facebook – www.facebook.com/MarisaPapen
Website – www.marisapapen.com
Photographer – Jörg Billwitz
Instagram – @billwitz
Facebook – www.facebook.com/billwitz
Website – joergbillwitz.de

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