Monday, October 1, 2018

(SMALLFOOT) with Sebastian Finkle

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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"Did you enjoy your movie, sir?"
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It was a conspiracy theory proven to be true. It questioned government. And it made me question something myself.

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Why the bigfoot civilization is so amused by small creatures? What happened to the pilot from the first introduction to small people?
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If the main character is so fascinated with small creatures, why doesn't he want to be friends with the goat?
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Is the village elder suppose to represent the president or a priest? Because, he's keeping secrets about the truth when everything works the same when if the village was told the truth regardless.
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"Should we change anything to please you, sir?"
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Yes...less musical numbers. It slows the story down to much....And get me a coffee with lemon, please.

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Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air* I think it's all going to work out for those two. They've been in there for 3 months. &...