Saturday, September 15, 2018

Inside the FINKLE Writer's Room (THE CALL)

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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"What's that? The audience is looking forward to our next show? I didn't think they wanted anything to do with us anymore?"

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Oh, that wasn't OUR show they hated. They hated the shows we came up with. So...I don't think we should do those Finkle shows for awhile. Well, I'll let you go. I know you and your husband has to think up new ideas for the blog show. Goodbye!

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Wow. They want us to think up new shows just about us, huh? Can we only do shows about us and not what we do for a living?

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What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? What do we do?

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I've got it! We'll do a show about married life. But, we've got to spice it up. I know...what if we do a show about a man who does a Comedy blog show...
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And thinking up new jokes turns him into a CRAZY PERSON!
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No...I forgot we did a show like that last year.

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"Hello, Gladys? I just called the other writers and we'll have a new show as soon the husband steals them from another comedian."

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(THE END/NEW START) Inside the Finkle Writer's Room

Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air* I think it's all going to work out for those two. They've been in there for 3 months. &...