Monday, August 13, 2018

Q17 (Media Blackout)

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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You're listening to ON THE AIR! And I've got a bone-to-pick with skeptics of the Peruvian skulls. This is not a conspiracy theory!

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Those skeptics have never listen to my show. They've never listened to my information about those skulls. They just write hit pieces against me and call me a quack! Well, I'm not a quack.

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My research about the Peruvian skulls are all Native Americans. I paid for the records. They were put in envelopes. And I did a show about them. And they attacked my show and me saying I wasn't wearing pants.

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Well, that's not science! That's a MEDIA BLACKOUT.

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Whether I'm wearing pants or not has nothing to do with my data I've got to say about the Peruvian skulls. Don't listen to those Communist and their Communist opinions about my show. I've got a God given right to NOT wear pants if I want to.

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That's got nothing to do with my Peruvian Skull Organization I've formed to fight those Communist left-wing scum.
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That reminds me, I'm going to need your help to fight those Communist. Just send me $1 dollar and I'll walk right up to those skeptics and say "Look at my information!"

Related image's just like those Communist to call the police on me. Your $1 dollar will also go to my Bail Money Organization.

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