Sunday, August 19, 2018

Family Finkles (JOKES 101)

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
Image result for the jetsons

Ok, two guys walk into a bar and...

Image result for the jetsons

Nope! You can't do that joke. It's too easy.

Related image a joke about midgets. 
Image result for the jetsons

Listen to him. Do a joke about midgets and get this over with.

Image result for the jetsons

I can't do it! I can't just think up jokes like this. 

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It's ok. We can let the dog think up the jokes for the show.

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Yeah! Now stop that running and let me tell you this joke!

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Hahahah! Wait a second...were you gonna do a two-guys-walk-into-a-bar joke? Do you think these readers are in some old folks home or something? Get with it, brother.

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