Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Town & Finkle (JOSEPH McCARTHY)

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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Hello, dear boy. We are the Royal Comedy Writers of England. We heard about your play you're writing. We come to help with the story.

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We were thinking, what if you created a character named Joseph McCarthy and did a whole thing about if he was right all along about the Russian menace. Wouldn't that be hilarious?

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We were also thinking that this character will be set 60 years in the past before your traitor king story happens. That way, the audience will learn from your story about how to avoid this happening in real life.

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Of course, you will have to kill off Joseph McCarthy. The Russians will do it, but we'll just say it was alcoholism. Nobody will the wiser, you see?

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...Oh, where's my manners? You can do whatever you want with your play. We just wanted to Make Comedy Great Again...or something like that.

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