Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Town & Finkle (FOURTH OF JULY)

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
Image result for tom and jerry america

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I hear those damn fools in America are celebrating again. What is this time? A new sandwich at Burger King...?

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No sir. They call it 'da Forf' of July, sir. Something 'bout their independence, an all 'dat.

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What's wrong wit' bein' English I say?

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"I don't see anything wrong with being English? We don't have all those nasty bits in our streets being televised in the paper."

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Yes....You mean the gun violence. Those Americans are a bunch of savages, aren't they?

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"Indeed. Those Americans should be as civilized as us English."

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Very true, very true...by the way, it's still illegal to shoot the Scottish with a crossbow on Sundays. So I brought my gun this time...God save the Queen.

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