Tuesday, June 12, 2018

by Adolfo Valente

“For a long time, I have been thinking about realizing a photo shoot of a certain kind, a bit different from what I usually do: a series in a ”filthy” black and white, not refined, with the flat light of a bare room.” explains Adolfo Valente about his newest series with Linda. The Italian photographer brushes between timeless portraits and sensual nude moments. Always the woman in the center, comfortable in their skins, their forms, their strength but also softness clearly drawing.
“I wanted to create images who could tell a daily story with sensuality: just a girl waking up, taking a shower, going to the kitchen to make herself a good cup of espresso. In order to make this happen, I wanted a beautiful, sensual model, but not a stereotypical one. In fact, more than a model she should have been an actress. When I saw Linda’s pictures I immediately thought she was the right one. I saw she knew how to be simple and sharp in front of the camera, but most of all I saw the ease with which she posed nude. I had no doubts, and when I introduced the idea to her, she understood and accepted straight away. Linda didn’t disappoint me: indeed, she is an amazing person and did a wonderful job. I thank her again for trusting me, for her commitment and enthusiasm.”

Photography by www.instagram.com/adolfovalente
Model: @lindanestpasici

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