Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Koto Kill - 'Riot At 45'

*PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
Image result for Koto Kill - 'Riot At 45'
Koto Kill is both one person and many.
Hinging on the imagination of Gabriel Ralls, the project has grown to include guests, collaborators and more, each driven by a desire to succeed.
Incoming single 'Riot At' is a fiery demonstration of their blistering sound, matching electronic elements to biting rock guitars.
Gabriel explains: "'Riot At 45' is about a heist-turned-party at a record store. It was inspired by The Prodigy, but after collaborating with Mo Stellato on the guitars, we also ended up taking certain Tool influences for good measure. We wanted something that evoked a 90s Marilyn Manson sexy coolness."
The visuals build on this, with something a little unsettling lurking amid those attractive, stylish vibes.
Premiering on Pirate Radio, you can check it out below.
Pre-order 'Riot At 45' HERE.
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