Friday, April 13, 2018

"Real Housewives Of FINKLE" (TOKEN MAN)

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
Image result for mary tyler moore tv show lou

Do you mind if I ask you a favor? Can I hand you a script for my blog show, so you can be in it?

Image result for mary tyler moore tv show lou

"Hmm, it's called Real Housewives Of Finkle and you want ME to be a nameless male character."

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So see, what we need is a token man to be in our blog show. And you'd be perfect for the role. You're fat, you're old, you're bald, and you're not threatening to other men. What do you think?

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I...I...think you could make the jokes work. Don't get mad at me.

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"I'm not mad. But if any of my Army buddies saw me doing a blog called Real Housewives, they'ed think I'm gonna wear a dress. YOU DON'T WANT ME TO WEAR A DRESS, DO YOU?" 

Image result for mary tyler moore tv show lou and mary

...and that's how I knew he didn't read page 3.

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