Saturday, April 14, 2018


*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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I don't get it...How does FANTASY ISLAND work? Is Mr. Roarke a witch or a time traveler?
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"Smiles everyone! Smiles!"

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I think he's an angel. And the island is purgatory.
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"Smiles everyone! Smiles!"

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But, if the island is purgatory, and Roarke is an angel, that means all those people on the island are dead.
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But they can't be dead. They say on the show they're going back home. Maybe, he puts them in an alternate dimensional time?
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Why does he want the employees to smile? Aren't the employees dead? How does that work if Roarke is an angel? Are they angels, too? How does he pay them if they aren't dead?
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"Ha Ha Ha, you will NEVER figure it out, humans!"

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