Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Inside the FINKLE Writer's Room (KHLOE & TRISTAN SCANDAL)

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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Welcome to the first Finkle blog show written entirely by me and my all female co-writers. I hope you like it. And now ON with our show!

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Is anyone home?

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"We're in here, Phyllis! Is that what you're going to wear for our new blog show? Aren't we talking about Khloe Kardashian today?"

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Hi Phyllis. On my new show, I was thinking I'd do something about Khloe Kardashian and Tristan after he cheated on her with a stripper. What do you think?

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I thought Khloe Kardashian WAS a stripper?

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I'm so happy you two are helping me out with my new series on this new blog series. Otherwise, we'd be talking about something stupid and gossipy.
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...and I'm being sarcastic. You can't call Khloe Kardashian a stripper.

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(THE END/NEW START) Inside the Finkle Writer's Room

Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air* I think it's all going to work out for those two. They've been in there for 3 months. &...