Saturday, April 28, 2018


*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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This movie has so much. I don't know where to start and where to stop. I think, instead of talking about the same thing everybody else is talking about, we should talk about the thing that NOBODY is talking about....Human/Android relationships.

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It's not racist to talk about fact, it's NOT two different races at all. It's a woman who's in love with a machine.

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Yes, he can make his body seem like it's wearing a sweater. But it's NOT even a sweater. It's a machine creating an illusion of a sweater.
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His words are reproductions of pre-programmed conversations from a international database. It's not original questions or responses. The human woman is falling in love with...the idea of love.
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Their relationship should matter to everyone in the movie, because it's a tragic story of a confused woman, who can make weapons of mass destruction out of her hands. That VISION character had to die. In a way, that crazy woman was even more dangerous then the villain in the movie.

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Whew...I think we need to do another review just to talk about all the stuff we saw.

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