Tuesday, April 24, 2018

CHLOE BELL by Jake Elvis Foden

Presumably, every generation feels the same concerning one topic. One always nostalgically remembers the time of his youth. Romantic, maybe transfigured. But forever in the heart. “In the 90’s, I had more VHS tapes than worries. I felt like I was Macaulay Culkin and my best friends were Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jim Carrey & Leonardo DiCaprio.” photographer Jake Elvis Foden laughs while taking about his newest series starring Model Chloe Bell.  Growing up in the 90´s the Manchester based artist´s youth was all about colorful clothes, best music and great movies. “Life was simple, care free, and everyday there was something new. I think these images in a small way are recreating that.”

Photographer: Jake Elvis Foden www.jakeelvisfoden.com // @jakeelvisfoden_
Model: Chloe Bell @chloesbell

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