Sunday, February 11, 2018

"Finkle Films" (PHANTOM THREAD)

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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Tonight, we are going to to discuss something that's important to men everywhere. And that thing is, when a man doesn't know he's a douchebag and hates his waitress to the point that he has to write a script to tell the world all about it.

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"Paul Thomas Anderson is the writer and director of this film. And we can only guess, one day he went to a restaurant."

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"And at the restaurant, he had a German waitress that he fell in love with, but the food was so bad, he thought the waitress was trying to kill him."

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"Now, let's pretend Paul Thomas Anderson isn't a writer and he's a...let's say a wedding dress designer who lives with his sister in the same house. He is afraid of normal relationships, so he has to meet women and trick them into being models."

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"In fact, on their first date, he has her model a dress and she NEVER gets to go home after that."
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You know, after I say that out loud it sounds like Human Traffic Slavery...Yeah...I guess Paul Thomas Anderson wrote a movie about being a PIMP who falls in love after he kidnaps a waitress and makes her work for free. The End.

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