Thursday, February 8, 2018


*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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Hey blog readers, we thought we should watch this Netflix movie that everybody's been talking about called THE CLOVERFIELD PARADOX. Let me click here and we'll see it.

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You don't understand! If those scientist in space unleashes the scientific thing to give us more energy on Earth, it might unleash DEMONS throughout the known multiverse! You can read all about it in my new book Don't Do It.
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What?...How can he possibly know about another universe?

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Something isn't right on this station. In my world, everything is different. None of you know me, but I know all of you except for that one girl who only speaks Chinese...why is there someone on the ship that only speaks Chinese?
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Yeah...why is there a girl in space who only speaks Chinese?

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We can't save you! I'm sorry girl who only speaks Chinese! We don't know how to save you from all that water on the space ship that for NO REASON flooded inside your compartment!

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Yeah...Why did water come from the air vents? What's going on in this movie?
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Do you see that?...It's a severed arm.

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"It's moving! Oh my God, what does it want? Quick get the severed arm something to write with."

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"Yes we will, Mr Severed Arm. We will cut open a dead body because YOU must know something."

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What the Hell is going on? None of this makes any sense.

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I'm going to this alternative Earth so I can save my family from doing the one thing my own actions caused their deaths in the first place. Sure, I know logically, my own actions might kill them again, but I don't care about anything else.

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Ahh, wasn't this movie call THE CLOVERFIELD PARADOX? There's nothing Cloverfield about this movie, is it?

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Was that it?...Is there any more? Was that it? That can't be all of it?

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Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air* I think it's all going to work out for those two. They've been in there for 3 months. &...