Tuesday, January 30, 2018


*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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Hello, before we begin the show, I'd like to thank the makers of Folgers coffee for keeping me awake long enough to finish this sequel to MAZE RUNNER.
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"So, we break into the city. Which is the opposite of what we did in the last movie?"
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"So, were going into that tunnel that's full of zombies. Which is the opposite of what we did in the last movie?"
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"So, you want to rely on your girlfriend. That's the opposite of what we did in the last movie?"
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How does this WeChat app work again? We need to talk about this MAZE RUNNER: THE DEATH CURE movie.
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"Get your face out of the camera, please. I can see and hear you. Go ahead and tell me how I should write my Rotten Tomatoes review."
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Did you know this movie is a series of 5 other stories we have to sit through?
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"Have to sit through? You sound like you didn't like it."
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No... We need to tell you first, we don't want to watch the other MAZE RUNNER movies when they come out. I didn't think it would get any worse then the second one. But, it did!
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"You two didn't fall asleep again did you?"
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"How do you call yourself movie reviewers for the show if you're going to sleep through the movie?"

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We're suppose to be REVIEWING the movie? I thought this was a form of torture.
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"Listen to me, they're going to make two more of these movies and I want you to see them. Now stop complaining."

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You wasn't there! This is war we're fighting in the theater. I seen a man a die once.

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Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air* I think it's all going to work out for those two. They've been in there for 3 months. &...