Yes. There is nothing more refreshing these days as having a normal conversation. Without ratings, without trouble and without any “drama” We agree with Eliza. The Israel based model was photographed by Yoad Shejtman along the sun setting and sparkling.
How did you spend your New Years Eve? And who did you spend it with?
I’m living in Israel for 4 years now and it’s still so strange for me, that New Year is not a holiday here but just a regular working day. So I worked in the morning, and after work I just had some lovely dinner with friends.
Where did you grow up?
I was born in the East South part of Siberia, Russia near the largest lake called Baikal. It´s really cool if you know were it is (laughs) And I think I was just a normal child, yeah – just very tall. When I was 15 I decided to move to Israel. To study Hebrew and finish school here. I moved on my own as my family decided to stay at home.
How would you describe your own personality?
Maybe I am a bit exaggerating, but I consider myself as a strong woman. Able to survive the complexities of life and able to tell the truth.
What pictures hang on your wall at home?
I have some pictures of my friends and family, and also pictures from the town where I lived the first 3 years in Israel.
How do you handle stressful situations?
I have many stressful situations in my life. For me there is no more effective way to cope with them than to cry.
What do you expect from life?
I just hope that all the hard work will pay off someday.
“Maybe I am a bit exaggerating, but I consider myself as a strong woman.”
What question do you often ask yourself?
If I really want it???
When I wake up…
When I wake up I spend a lot of time just looking through someone else’s life in instagram
I am in love with…
I am in love with Israeli food, some mix of Middle-Sea cuisine.
Social media is…
Social media is evil and takes years of life from us.
“Social media is evil and takes years of life from us.”
I laugh when…
I laugh when something ridiculous happens to me. Oh yes I laugh a lot. (laughs)
What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?
I am in love with kind of ordinary people, with whom you can talk about literally everything. I would like to have so much more of this kind of people! Just stop to do “drama” pleeeeaaaaseeee.
Last one: What’s the next big step you need to take?
To finally decide what I really want to study (laughs)
Model: Eliza –
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