Sunday, December 17, 2017


Freedom means something different to each one of us. To me freedom means, among other things, to be yourself. Not having to hide behind a special attitude, opinion or clothing. Feeling the sand under your feet. The wind in your hair. The sun tickling your face. And the laughter that lights up the sky.
Enjoy the latest series shot by our lovely and super talented girl Frankie Mark starring Ashley Moore, Isabella Farrell, Sulem Calderon, Jodie Turner-Smith, Chelsea Freeborn and Baby Blu. “Scorpio Season. My birthday is Nov 3 and this year was the best one yet! Drove to Joshua Tree with my female soulmates. My best friends. The women in my life that inspire me, uplift me and love gently. A group of beautiful wild hearts that poems are written about.” Frankie explains. “I captured these moments in my birthday haze. They’re not set up but just me trying to screen shot with my camera the beauty that I see in each of them. Trying to bottle up a weekend of so much freedom and love. Dancing and howling at the moon. Cheers to moments like this.  Owwwwwwwwww!!!!!”

Photographer: Frankie Mark @fancygomez
Girls: @Ashley_Moore_ / @ballerinaFarrell / @SulemCalderon / @JodieSmith
@chelsea_freeborn / Baby Blu

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