Tuesday, December 19, 2017


*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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Wow, did you see that? Wasn't that the STAR WARS movie you needed to see?
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"I liked everything about it. Who would say anything bad about it?"
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"Oh wait...racist and guys who hate women. I think those people would hate it, don't you?"

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There's many stories played at the same time, but they're not about strong male characters saving the day like Han Solo...

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The male villain was strong in comparison...I guess...but he wasn't the main villain.

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Laura Dern was a hero.

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Carrie Fisher was a hero.
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There's this girl named Rose. We didn't even know her, but SHE gets to be hero too!

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So, we think you should see this one. It gives you something you never see before...an erection.


*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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"Hey, get up! The Finkle writers need you for a Christmas blog show."

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Nope...I don't want to do it. I was suppose to be the star of Finkle Billy, but they let me down.
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Why would they want us ALL to do this Christmas show? They haven't used us in weeks.

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Is everybody ready for our new Finkle Billy show?

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Wait, isn't this a Finkle 3000 show? I thought I was doing a Conspiracy Theory. None of this makes any sense!

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I'm a robot anyway. I don't need to do a Christmas blog. I'm out of here!

Monday, December 18, 2017

"Finkle Witch" (MAKE IT BIG)

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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"I've been thinking, if we did a special Christmas blog show for the Finkle writers, the audience would want to see us more."
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Are we too late for the show?
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"Listen up, we are going to make it BIG! They haven't used us since Halloween."
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You got any Egg Nog in the house? I could use a drink.
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Do we say Merry Christmas, mommy?
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"Shhh! Hanukkah is almost over. We're talking about the Finkle writers. You better wait a couple of more days to be on the safe side."

'Conspiracy Theory" with Frank Finkle (GET BACK ON-THE-AIR)

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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I'm Frank Finkle and this is my Conspiracy Theory.
Has the Finkle writers forgot I was still around or did they cancel my blog without telling me?
My guest today is Fred Flintstone from his Finkle Rock show.

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"Hey Frank, why don't you do a Christmas show to get back on the air?"
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Christmas show?...but I do Conspiracy Theories.
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"Yeah, yeah, we all know. But the audience doesn't care anymore. You've gotta change it up, Frank."
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What would I talk about?

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"Oh, just make it up and people will put their children in front of the television no matter what it is."

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"Ok...Hello boys and girls, I'm Frank Finkle. And this is my show about cute little puppies..."

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Now listen very close kids...Will your puppy secretly turn into a WEREWOLF? Watch my show and find out!

Sunday, December 17, 2017


Freedom means something different to each one of us. To me freedom means, among other things, to be yourself. Not having to hide behind a special attitude, opinion or clothing. Feeling the sand under your feet. The wind in your hair. The sun tickling your face. And the laughter that lights up the sky.
Enjoy the latest series shot by our lovely and super talented girl Frankie Mark starring Ashley Moore, Isabella Farrell, Sulem Calderon, Jodie Turner-Smith, Chelsea Freeborn and Baby Blu. “Scorpio Season. My birthday is Nov 3 and this year was the best one yet! Drove to Joshua Tree with my female soulmates. My best friends. The women in my life that inspire me, uplift me and love gently. A group of beautiful wild hearts that poems are written about.” Frankie explains. “I captured these moments in my birthday haze. They’re not set up but just me trying to screen shot with my camera the beauty that I see in each of them. Trying to bottle up a weekend of so much freedom and love. Dancing and howling at the moon. Cheers to moments like this.  Owwwwwwwwww!!!!!”

Photographer: Frankie Mark @fancygomez
Girls: @Ashley_Moore_ / @ballerinaFarrell / @SulemCalderon / @JodieSmith
@chelsea_freeborn / Baby Blu

KARLA TORTILLA by Sian Ashleigh

“I loved Karla’s look on first sight.” London based photographer Sian waxes lyrical about her newest C-Heads Exclusive starring gorgeous Karla. “A friend worked with her and showed me some edits, so I decided to contact her and see if she was free to shoot before Christmas! Luckily she was in London for another week before traveling back to Germany for the holidays. We decided to shoot at her boyfriends apartment and we vibed pretty quickly, both as girls and for the look we wanted for the shoot.” Sian continues. “We went for a casual Parisian feel, just lounging around the apartment, smoking out of balcony windows. We actually got on so well that a lot of the digital images are unusable due to us talking the entire time!” she laughs. Her eyes shine with joy. “It was always going to be the 35mm images that were special though. Film just gives a quality to an image that digital rarely can. It really elevates my work I think. Karla was super fun to work with and had a quirky American’ness that I had to tailor my way or talking to. Karla being American, with a Parisian feel, while being in London.”

(THE END/NEW START) Inside the Finkle Writer's Room

Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air* I think it's all going to work out for those two. They've been in there for 3 months. &...