Sunday, November 12, 2017

"Finkle Films" (THE EMOJI MOVIE)

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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Good Evening. Welcome to the Finkle Films review of  film critics. This is where we NEVER discuss the movie, but we DO talk about the critics who review them.
Now...I read your review of THE EMOJI MOVIE and I'm a little confused.
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"Why? We loved that movie. It was refreshing and out of the ordinary."

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Hmmm, that's what you say, but Rotten Tomatoes has it at 9%.
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"Rotten Tomatoes is a bunch of hacks. We're not them!"

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Yes...but the common theory is that the THE EMOJI MOVIE is lazy and incompetent.
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"We didn't think so. We loved THE EMOJI MOVIE. Everybody should see it when it comes out on DVD. "
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Unbelievable. You're not going to agree with the rest of your fellow film critics?
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It they read our blog show?

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No they do not.
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Then they won't see us telling them to go screw themselves, will they?

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