Friday, June 15, 2018

Inside the FINKLE Writer's Room (WALT DISNEY WAS A RACIST)

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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I'm glad to have you back, honey. What did you write for the show tonight?
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You think our audience wants a whole show on a conspiracy theory about comic books? Who's going to listen to guy talk about comic books for hours?
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Hey everybody! Do you want to hear about my conspiracy theory about comic books? Just call in to 1-800-44-FINKLE. That's 1-800-44-FINKLE.
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"Hello? Is this the guy on the internet? I want to know about your conspiracy theory?"
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Well, see my theory is about the writers. Some people think SUPERMAN is Jewish because the writers were Jewish. And they're right in a way. Krypton is a metaphor for the place Jewish people had to leave.
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"That's not a very big theory. I've heard that one before."
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See, if you believe that Superman is Jewish, then ALL superheroes are Jewish! Because they were ALL written by Jewish writers. Batman, Green Lantern, Captain America, Spider-Man, Iron-Man, The Hulk, Thor...they are ALL Jewish.
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"No, NO, NO! You take that back right now, mister! Captain America is NOT Jewish.
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Follow the's all there. He first appeared in World War 2. He came back during the Civil Rights Movement. His greatest villain after 80 years is still a German Nazi. Captain America is introducing you to an acceptance of Judea culture.
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"No! I have to stop this. In fact, if I had the money to buy the rights to all those comic book characters, I would make them the most NOT Jewish comic book people you've ever seen!"
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Well, caller...Nobody has that kind of money. 
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"Oh yeah! I'll show you! I'll show you all.

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In the name of Walt Disney, I will NEVER let any fictional characters be anything but racist Christians.
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Stay awake. Don't got to sleep. Stay awake.

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(THE END/NEW START) Inside the Finkle Writer's Room

Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air* I think it's all going to work out for those two. They've been in there for 3 months. &...