Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Argentinian photographer Ivan Jarazo has a passion to create and likes to show that each person has different things to offer. The moment he picks up a camera he gets carried away by his own mood as well as the model´s sentiments. “I want to express the sensations of the moment. It is what fascinates me about people photography; that each one has something different to show and therefore also shows a different world,”  he lets us know while he displays great images to us of model Marianne PuginLucia Vacas, and Barbara Mascia. Good light, colour and emotions are his main work ingredients and his preference of colour photography he puts down to the fact that he can communicate better with it, even though to him there is also always something so classy about black and white.

model Marianne Pugin – Country: Chile

model: Lucia Vacas – Country: Argentina

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