Tuesday, April 17, 2018


“When my girlfriend Karina and I were discussing what to do with this editorial, we we’re a bit stumped as the typical style of editorials shot in Bali focus only on nature, beaches and waterfalls. While the nature in Bali is absolutely stunning, we’ve been living here for years and wanted to do something a bit different.” explains photographer Josh Patil. “Coming from Los Angeles, the style of Pop Photography has been quite popular in recent years. We decided to mix this style with the beautiful villas in Bali, for something unique and separate from the norm here on the Island of the Gods. We bring you, PLASTIC.” Starring gorgeous Karina Goncharova. Hair and make-up done by Nata Mirkina. Location is Hacienda Bali – produced by Baliprod.

Photographer – Josh Patil – @joshpatil
Model – Karina Goncharova – @kerishot
HMU – Nata Mirkina – @mirkina1
Location – Hacienda Bali – www.haciendabali.com
Produced By – Baliprod – www.baliprod.com

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