Tuesday, November 21, 2017

"Finkle Films" (EWAN MCGREGOR)

*Warning: PIRATE RADIO is on the air*
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When was the first time you started to hate some actor for no reason? Mine is Ewan McGregor. It's not that he does a movie that makes you HATE him. He makes movies that wants you to LOVE him! And I hate that.

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Trainspotting...hated 'em.

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Star Wars...hated 'em.
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Moulin Rouge...hated 'em.
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American Pastoral...I hated him so much in that one, I learned to hate a whole new group of people. Like Dakota Fanning.
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He's probably a really nice guy in real life, you know. 
If I ever met him, I'd shake his hand and say I appreciate him as an actor...then I'd punch him in the face. You know why?...because I HATE 'EM!

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